Our Purpose

The Mission of Saint John the Apostle MCC is to provide opportunities for Christian worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth for all seeking a relationship with God.

In carrying out our Mission, our actions will be guided by our core values, being: PRAYERFUL,  seeking God’s guidance and aware of God’s presence;   WELCOMING  to all, with a dedicated ministry to LGBTQ+ individuals; INCLUSIVE  to all; and GENEROUS,  giving of our time, talents, tithes, knowledge, and support.

The Vision that we hold is that our Church becomes a non-judgmental, accepting fellowship, loving God, following the example and teaching of Jesus, enlightened by the spirit, and open to all.

We will accomplish our vision by: Committing our time, talent, and tithes to achieve an effective Council of Ministries and a robust budget; Attracting community members to scheduled worship and educational offerings on our Web site and in our revitalized setting; Accepting into our membership and ministries all newcomers who support our mission and values; Maintaining a safe environment where LGBTQ and all other marginalized people are accepted as they are; and Providing assistance to those in need and speaking out for social justice and equality.

Frank serves in the food line

Saint John the Apostle is part of Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), a denomination of churches throughout the United States and the world. Visit the MCC denominational website.

Our Ministry

MCC affirms the universal priesthood of all believers (I Peter 2:5-10). All members of the Church are called by God to a ministry of the Gospel of Christ in the Church and in the world. MCC decrees that all people shall have equality of access and opportunity which is free from discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, race, age, physical challenge, HIV Status, health status, gender identification, nationality, or economic status.

MCC Statement of Faith


Metropolitan Community Churches is one chapter in the story of the Church, the Body of Christ. We are people on a journey, learning to live into our spirituality, while affirming our bodies, our genders, our sexualities. We don’t all believe exactly the same things. And yet in the midst of our diversity, we build community, grounded in God’s radically inclusive love for all people. We are part of an ongoing conversation on matters of belief and faith, shaped by scripture and the historic creeds, building on those who have come before us. Our chapter begins when God says to us: “Come, taste, and see.”

Our Faith

“Come, taste, and see.” Jesus Christ, You invite all people to Your open table. You make us Your people, a beloved community. You restore the joy of our relationship with God, even in the midst of loneliness, despair, and degradation. We are each unique and we all belong, a priesthood of all believers. Baptized and filled with Your Holy Spirit, You empower us to be Your healing presence in a hurting world.

We expect to see Your reign on earth as it is in heaven as we work toward a world where everyone has enough, wars cease, and all creation lives in harmony. We affirm Your charge to all of humanity to care for the land, sea, and air. Therefore, we will actively resist systems and structures which are destroying Your creation.

With all of creation we worship You—every tribe, every language, every people, every nation. We know You by many names, Triune God, beyond comprehension, revealed to us in Jesus Christ, who invites us to the feast.


MCC Core Values Statement

  1. We claim a vision filled with hope and faith in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit.
  2. Through God’s grace we nurture love, humility and respect.
  3. We embrace a tolerant, socially aware atmosphere for all of God’s people.
  4. We build our relationships based on honesty, trust and integrity.


Metropolitan Community Churches